I am trying to setup a VMware home lab on my computer, I have installed the ESXi 6.0, AD DNS server. Now, I need to install the vCenter Server Appliance. But I don’t want to install it on the ESXi Host. I wanted to install it directly on the VMware Workstation.
If you try to use the default method, you will not be able to install it directly on Workstation. You will need .ova file to import it into Workstation. The .ova file is available in the ISO, but it’s kind of hidden and we need to find it.
- Download VMware vCenter Server Appliance from VMware (.iso file)
- VMware Workstation 12 Pro.
Let’s get started:
1. Download the VCSA 6.0 iso from the above link.
2. Extract the ISO file using 7-Zip.
3. Browse to the extracted folder and go to path vcsa\vmware-vcsa and rename it to vmware-vcsa.ova.
4. Right click on vmware-vcsa.ova click open with workstation.
5. Import it to Workstation. “Do Not Power ON”. It’s not time yet. We have to configure the new VM before we can Power ON.
6. Locate where your Virtual Machines files are stored and open the .vmx file with a text editor.
7. Add the below parameters to the end of VMX file and update the colored parameters as per your network settings.
guestinfo.cis.appliance.net.addr.family = "ipv4" guestinfo.cis.appliance.net.mode = "static" guestinfo.cis.appliance.net.addr = "" guestinfo.cis.appliance.net.prefix = "24" guestinfo.cis.appliance.net.gateway = "" guestinfo.cis.appliance.net.dns.servers = "" guestinfo.cis.vmdir.password = "Root@123" guestinfo.cis.appliance.root.passwd = "Root@123" |
8. Save the .vmx file. Below is the sample of the modified vmx file.
9. Edit the VM setting of the VC-01(my vcenter vm name) and configure the appropriate network. I am running the lab on isolated network, hence I am choosing as per it.
10. Now Power On the VM and wait for ~10 to 15 mins to complete the installation.
11. Login to the vCenter with the below credentials:
Username: administrator@vsphere.local
Password: VMware1! (Configured in the vmdir.password)
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